Business Travel Insurance for Crew
Crew Cover Travel Insurance is a business travel policy that covers your personal items, portable computer equipment, medical expenses, travel delay and cancellation.
Please note: This policy will not cover you for any leisure travel.
Includes COVID-19 cover: Crew Cover Travel Insurance includes medical expenses cover following a positive diagnosis of COVID which first manifests while travelling outside the UK. The cover also extends to increased flight costs following a positive diagnosis. Cover does not extend to increased hotel accommodation costs following an instruction to quarantine due to exposure to an infected person while travelling or working outside the UK.
See the Summary of Benefits below:
(For a full description of the cover provided, refer to the Certificate and any attaching Endorsements)
Section | Sum Insured (each Insured Person) up to |
Medical and Additional Expenses | £5,000,000 |
Cancellation and Curtailment | £3,000 |
Journey Continuation and Delay | £1,000 or 30 for the first 12 hours delay, £15 for each subsequent 12 hours delay, up to £150 in full |
Personal Liability | £2,000,000 |
Legal Expenses | £25,000 |
Hospital Benefit | £25 per day Up to a maximum of £1,000 |
Personal Property, Money and Delayed Baggage Subject to the following limits: Any one article, pair, or set of articles Valuables Money Cash Limit Delayed Baggage |
£5,750 £500 £500 Increasing to £3,000 for computer equipment £750 £300 £150 After a minimum of 12 hours delay |
Car Hire Excess Waiver | £250 |
Why you need it
Production Crew working on tours or overseas events need a robust travel policy. Crew Cover has designed a policy that recognises what you travel with and the protection you need.
Any Existing medical conditions please either call or email us.
Who provides it?
To offer this facility Precision Broking Limited is granted permission by AXA XL Insurance UK Limited (authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – registration number 423308) to offer this travel policy. Precision Broking Ltd are Authorised and Regulated by the FCA and are a Lloyd's approved coverholder.
Check the Terms of Business, IPID and Policy Wording.
Crew Cover Travel Insurance Quotations
Travel policy terms are quoted by Precision Broking Ltd under Binding Authority UMR B1141C23M8170 granted to Precision Broking Ltd by AXA XL Insurance UK Limited (authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – registration number 423308). .
Crew Cover Travel Insurance Proceeding to Cover and Document Issue
If you progress through the quotation process and decide to proceed with the Crew Cover Travel Insurance Quotation the cover and documents will be issued by Precision Broking Ltd under Binding Authority UMR B1141C23M170 granted to Precision Broking Ltd by AXA XL Insurance UK Limited (authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – registration number 423308).
Our Base Price for £5m Public Liability is just £265
£10m limit also available for £365 inc IPT
Travel Insurance for Crew
Annual travel policies specifically designed for crew available
Crew Cover is proudly in partnership with the
Join now as a member included with your
Public Liability premium